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Sayler Park School offers a rigorous curriculum in the core subjects of English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.

English/Language Arts

Sayler Park School has a clearly defined standards-based skills continuum, quarterly pacing guides for grades K-8. This provides developmentally appropriate instruction and increased continuity across grade levels, as well as providing consistency when students change schools.

Each student takes quarterly benchmarks to help teachers identify students' individual needs.

For more information:

  • Grades 1-4 Basic overview for Parents in Language Arts and Writing
  • Grades 5-8 Basic overview for Parents in Language Arts and Writing  


Sayler Park students in kindergarten through eighth grade now use the same mathematics textbook series. The text books are aligned with National and Ohio standards and are matched to CPS' teacher-pacing documents and student assessments. Each student takes quarterly benchmarks to help teachers identify students' individual needs.

Tips for Student Success

Parent/Teacher Communication
Parents are urged to contact the school whenever the need arises. If you wish to conference with your child's teacher, please call ahead to make an appointment. Teachers are unable to conference while instruction is occurring in the classroom. Leave a voicemail on the teacher's phone. Refer to the phone number sheet for each teacher.

Reading on a regular basis strengthens other academic areas, especially writing. Take time to read with your child or have your child read to you at least 20 minutes each night.

The world can be an educational experience for your child. Whether you are visiting a new state or a different suburb, inform your child of that present location and point out any historical events that might have taken place in that area. Your child may be surprised to find that it is the subject of the day's lesson.

Make sure that your child is getting a well balanced television diet that is fortified with educational programming with nutrients found on stations such as Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel and PBS, etc.