Reading Program
Achieve3000 is today’s leading blended learning program, with differentiated literacy solutions that our students can access at home and at school. Students have the ability to read or practice the same skills, but everything is at his or her individual level. The more students access and use Achieve3000, the greater the gains will be.
Rosey Reader Program
Students in Pre-K through 2nd grade have the opportunity to take a book home each night to read with their family. The child returns the book to their teacher to trade for a new one. Just sign up for the Rosey Reader program. Funding for this program is through the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Dick Rosenthal. Students receive prizes for every ten books they read. This program is a wonderful way to share the love of reading with your child. Ask your child’s teacher if you did not receive information about this great reading program.
Right To Read Week
Right to Read Week is celebrated each year with all students participating by reading 20 minutes each day. We conduct our Read-a-Thon in conjunction with the Right to Read Week. The goal is to allow students to simply read for pleasure and raise funds at the same time.